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Moving Advice from Sarah, a CitySwitcher Consultant

Moving Advice from Sarah, a CitySwitcher Consultant

Moving to a new place is like embarking on a grand adventure! But before you dive headfirst into this exciting journey, there are a few things you'll want to tackle to ensure your move is as smooth as freshly polished floors.

Hi! I’m Sarah – and I’m a CitySwitcher consultant. In my role, I’ve helped tens of thousands of people moving to a new home, across their country or internationally. Moving professionals can really make moving easy, but I understand that it’s not right for everyone. There are really great do-it-yourself options out there too (think moving pods or rental trucks).  If that’s the route you take, then let me help you make the most out of your DIY move.

Simplify your move

First, unleash your inner minimalist and declutter like a pro. Bid farewell to that collection of mismatched socks and random trinkets you forgot you owned. Declutter, sell, donate, or pack items that are not needed or used frequently. This process not only lightens the load but also can help reduce moving costs, making moving on a budget easier.

Pack like a pro

Packing effectively for a move is all about strategy and simplicity (think Tetris!). Start by gathering quality packing materials such as sturdy boxes in various sizes, packing tape, bubble wrap, and markers. Begin with one room at a time to maintain organization and pack similar items together.

Wrap fragile items individually with bubble wrap or packing paper and fill any empty spaces in boxes with crumpled paper or packing peanuts to prevent shifting. Label each box clearly with its contents and designate the destination room in your new home. Pack heavy items at the bottom of boxes and lighter items on top to ensure boxes remain stable and easy to carry. 

Prepare for your everyday needs

Finally, create an essentials box containing items you'll need immediately upon arrival, such as toiletries, basic kitchen supplies, and important documents. I recommend that you create or download a checklist of items you need well in advance of packing so you don’t have dig anything out later.

By following these tips, you'll streamline the packing process and make unpacking a breeze, setting yourself up for a smooth transition to your new home.

CitySwitcher's information is intended to be helpful but may not apply to every situation. You are solely responsible for your moving-related decisions and outcomes. Please seek professional advice from a relevant service provider for guidance specific to you.

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