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Sustainable Moving: Tips for an Eco-Friendly Relocation

Sustainable Moving: Tips for an Eco-Friendly Relocation

By Dan Graebel, Global Head of Sustainability at Graebel

If you clicked on this article, you’re already one step closer toward a more sustainable moving experience. It shows that you care – and you want to be thoughtful about the decisions you make before, during, and after your move. I care too, and I’m here to help!

I have a great job – my role is to help our company and our entire industry be more climate conscious. I regularly meet with our global supplier partners to discuss and implement sustainable practices. I've put together some of the best tips to reduce your carbon footprint when moving, based on what our own employees and our partners are doing every day and the recommendations they've shared.

Lighten the load: discard and donate

One of the most effective ways to prepare for moving sustainably is to start by reducing the quantity of stuff you plan to move. Discard items you no longer need and donate useful items to shelters and charitable organizations. Companies like Home Sweet Home can coordinate large pickups prior to your move and can be worth the cost by helping reduce your home moving expenses. They can also make sure your discarded items get recycled or disposed in a sustainable way (e.g., pain, electronics, etc.)

Save space (and weight) by not shipping any food. Donate it to a local food bank. Or find a mover from the Move for Hunger network to deliver non-perishable food to your local food bank at no cost to you.

Planning to buy all new items at your destination? Think again.

Don’t assume that buying all new items in your new location has a smaller carbon footprint than moving your existing items. Unless you buy items that are made and sold locally, you may actually have a larger carbon footprint if the goods are produced in other parts of the world. Our partners advise that moving existing items often results in a lower overall environmental impact. And the costs of buying all new (or used) items may be more than you think – compare those costs for yourself.

Get creative with smart packing materials

If you're packing on your own, consider your existing options to pack up your belongings: luggage, trunks, tubs and totes, coolers, ottomans, etc. You can use items like reusable shopping bags and backpacks, but those don’t always stack well. Wrap fragile items in towels, clothes, blankets, etc. Once you run out of existing storage solutions, then turn to recyclable materials like cardboard boxes and recycled paper. Avoid those styrofoam peanuts!

Choose environmentally-focused home moving services

When looking for a reliable moving company, choose one with strong and measurable commitments to sustainable operations. Our highly rated moving companies use alternative fuels with lower GHG emissions, recycled materials for packing, reusable containers, idling-prevention technologies, and optimized scheduling to maximize efficiency and minimize empty miles. These are some of the innovative practices our global supplier partners are implementing to make moving more eco-friendly.

Proper waste disposal: Check it before you chuck it

Here’s a big one that is often overlooked. Properly disposing of hazardous materials such as paint, batteries, and chemicals before your move is crucial. Don’t just toss your electronics into the trash – bring them to designated recycling centers. This helps keep harmful substances out of landfills and reduces environmental pollution. And don’t forget to use green house cleaning products too.

Energy-efficient homes

If you plan to buy a home, consider investing in energy-efficient appliances and lighting at your new home. Evaluate options for renewable energy sources, like solar panels. Many governments offer tax incentives or rebates to make your home more sustainable.

If you need to find a place to rent, add energy efficiency to your list of priorities in your home rental search. Most landlords and leasing agents are prepared with a list of eco-friendly amenities. They’ll also certainly promote nearby access to public transportation. Many now also have electric charging stations built in.

Once you find your home, search for environmentally-conscious utilities too.

Skip the trip; Stay in temporary housing for a bit

Rather than making a separate trip to look at homes, consider short-term temporary housing when you first arrive at your destination. You can store your belongings while you search for the right home. Reducing travel can certainly reduce your carbon footprint, but staying in temporary housing for a little bit can also help reduce rushed decision-making when selecting long-term housing. Spend a few weeks getting to know particular neighborhoods, rather than just a few days on a trip, before you sign that lease or close on that new home.

Decide what’s right for you

There are lots of good options here. Trying to do all of them may not be possible, but each effort you make is meaningful and contributes to a healthier planet. Don’t just take my word for it… you are welcome to connect with our amazing partners that can provide even more tips and recommendations.


CitySwitcher's information is intended to be helpful but may not apply to every situation. You are solely responsible for your moving-related decisions and outcomes. Please seek professional advice from a relevant service provider for guidance specific to you.

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