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Moving on a Budget: Smart Strategies to Save

Moving on a Budget: Smart Strategies to Save

A world of opportunity exists. Whether you land your dream job, want to be closer to family, or are looking for a new place that aligns with your values and hobbies – you can make it happen. You can move.

But the price tag for moving can be discouraging. With the right plan and a little creativity, you can move to your new home without breaking the bank. Graebel has moved millions of people in our 75+ year history, so we’ve seen a thing or two. Here are some tips to help you move on a budget. We’ll help you navigate the largest expenses and guide you on where to cut costs, and most importantly, where not to skimp.

Tip #1: Plan Ahead

One of the most effective ways to save money when moving is to plan ahead. Take time to figure out what's most important to you so you can plan your major expenses first. For instance, maybe you'd rather hire professional movers than rope your friends into carrying your couch down six flights of stairs. Or maybe you want to buy a home but don't want to rush, so you'd prefer short-term housing while you hunt for the perfect place. Reflect on your priorities before you even create a budget.

Tip #2: Create a Detailed Budget

Spreadsheets are your friends! Build a detailed budget that outlines all your expected moving expenses. List everything, from the big-ticket items like hiring movers or renting a truck, to the smaller costs that can sneak up on you, such as packing materials, fuel if you're driving, and cleaning supplies. Don't forget about things like storage fees, meals on the road, and any pet care costs. Accounting for these smaller expenses can help you avoid unnecessary surprises and ensure you have a comprehensive view of your moving costs. Be thorough and then you can start deciding which items you can cut or find different options.

Tip #3: Declutter Before You Pack

Before you start packing up your belongings, take some time to declutter and downsize your possessions. Go through each room in your home and identify items that you no longer need or use. Consider selling or donating these items to lighten your load and reduce the amount of stuff you'll need to move. Not only will this save you money on packing supplies and transportation costs, but it will also help you start fresh in your new space.

Tip #4. Get Creative with Packing Supplies

Packing materials can quickly add up, but there are plenty of ways to save money on supplies. Instead of purchasing brand-new boxes, check with local businesses or online marketplaces for free or discounted moving boxes. You can also use items you already have on hand, such as suitcases, trunks, bins, and laundry baskets, to pack your belongings. Get creative and think outside the box to find affordable packing solutions that work for you.

Tip #5. DIY Where You Can

While hiring professional movers can save you time and energy, it can also feel expensive. If you're looking to cut costs, consider taking a DIY approach to certain aspects of your move. Enlist the help of friends and family to assist with packing, loading, and unloading your belongings. There are lots of DIY moving options like a rental truck or moving container (pod) that can save you money if you’re willing to roll up your sleeves.

Pro Tip!  Talk to someone about your moving options.  They can help you estimate the total costs expected with each option. While movers may feel expensive when you get that initial quote, the costs of other options will start to add up too. For example, a rental truck is a great way to move 1-2 bedrooms worth of stuff. But don’t forget about the mileage and fuel costs, as well as meals and lodging along the way.

Tip #6. Spend a Little Now to Save a Lot Later

One of the biggest reasons a relocation fails is dissatisfaction with your original choices. Take finding a place to rent, for example. You spend countless hours searching online for a great apartment complex in a fun neighborhood. You make your selection and put down your deposit, but once you arrive, reality is a little different from what you imagined. Suddenly, you don’t feel like you are part of the community, and changing course can be expensive.

A destination service provider connects you with a local expert to help navigate rental homes, find providers like doctors and veterinarians, search for schools, and so much more. You pay for their time, but that advice is priceless and will save you significantly in the long run. This is helpful if you’re moving domestically but is especially important when moving internationally.

Tip #7. Take Advantage of Discounts and Deals

Before you start spending money on moving expenses, take some time to research discounts and deals that may be available to you. Many moving companies offer preferred pricing or discounts for CitySwitcher customers. Additionally, consider leveraging any memberships or affiliations you may have, such as AAA or military discounts, to save even more on your move.

Tip #8: Time Your Move Wisely

Consider scheduling your move during the off-peak season or mid-week, when moving companies are less busy and may offer lower rates. Avoid moving during holidays or peak moving seasons (summer in the northern hemisphere), as prices tend to be higher and availability may be limited. Additionally, try to be flexible with your move-in date to take advantage of any last-minute deals or discounts that may become available.

Moving on a budget doesn't have to be stressful or overwhelming. 

By following these smart strategies and staying organized, you can successfully navigate your move without breaking the bank. With a little creativity and resourcefulness, you'll be well on your way to a budget-friendly move and a fresh start in your new home.


CitySwitcher's information is intended to be helpful but may not apply to every situation. You are solely responsible for your moving-related decisions and outcomes. Please seek professional advice from a relevant service provider for guidance specific to you.


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